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Contemptibly Contentious     

Writer's picture: Wilson LimWilson Lim

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

In the famous cartoon strip Calvin & Hobbs, young Calvin once made a dazzling observation, “I’m always right and everybody else is wrong! What’s to argue about?”  Calvin is so arrogant, isn’t he?


Have you ever been around contentious people?  They seem to be constantly stirring up controversy or disputes.  In fact, they seem to even enjoy it.  But perhaps if we look at ourselves.  Could we be a bit contentious?  Might we be considered contentious to others?


In 1 Timothy 6:3-5 we learn about a group of people who are contentious and have caused many problems in the Ephesian church.  These false teachers stirred up contention in the church.  Here, Apostle Paul was giving some instructions to Timothy on dealing with them.  From this passage, I unpack 4Cs that characterise a contentious person.




1 Timothy 6:3–4a (NIV) 3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4 they are conceited and understand nothing.


Apostle Paul was referring to false teachers who were creating issues in the church with their unhealthy and controversial teachings.  Instead of sticking with sound and godly doctrines, they preferred to stir up controversy from obscure or irrelevant details by making a lot out of little.  1 Timothy 1:3 - 4 (NIV) 3... command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer  4nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God’s work—which is by faith. 


Paul identifies a key attitude in these teachers that has fuelled their contentious behaviour.  It is conceit.  An egotistical, arrogant attitude.  What they had was …


An over-rated sense of self-importance


Simon the Sorcerer was such a person. Simon thought a world of himself because he could do some things that others could not.  But, God thought very little of him.  Acts 8:9 (NIV) Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great…

Those who are conceited are blinded to their pride and arrogance.


Paul was referring to those proud of their own importance or knowledge.  They place their own interpretations and views of Scriptures above what the Scriptures actually teach.  Often those who are conceited are blinded to their pride and arrogance.  They do not see it.  As far as they are concerned, they deserve to be where they are because of their giftedness or greater knowledge.  Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)  The way of a fool seems right to him...


But in reality, their boasts are often empty.  2 Peter 2:18 (NIV) For they mouth empty, boastful words...


Do you know what the irony is? The sad irony is that actually ...


They understand nothing


The conceited become so self-absorbed that they can't recognize the truth, losing themselves in their own misguided perceptions.

The conceited become so self-absorbed that they can't recognize the truth, losing themselves in their own misguided perceptions.  They know a lot, but understood nothing.  Romans 1:22 (NIV) Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools... 


Due to their attitude, the arrogant dismiss anything that does not align with their viewpoint. Like a huge filter, only certain things can get through.  Facts that support their perspective!  In my time as a research scientist, I encountered a number of huge egos.  Some scientists even created their own scientific journals so that they can promote their own theories more! And they condescendingly reject other theories that contradict theirs.  The result?  Incorrect conclusions due to selective facts.


Sadly, when I analyse what has happened in certain segments of Christendom, I see it happening too where certain leaders and scholars have huge filters.  Consequently, they filter out anything that does not fit their perspectives. I have come across many websites that major on criticising others for any doctrine or practise that does not fit theirs. 


Some shoot down ministers like Reinhard Bonnke because he emphasizes on signs and wonders.  They are all out to find fault simply because they do not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit moving to heal people today.  They claim that Reinhard Bonnke is false because less than half the people who thought they were healed actually were! Even if it was half, it in an incredible number of healings!


Some others criticise Rick Warren and Bill Hybels because they are too pragmatic in growing the church.  Some criticise Billy Graham because he is willing to work with the Catholic Church.  Instead of being willing to learn more or to investigate deeper in an honest way, whether there is some truth in what others are saying or experiencing, they simply write others off. And they do this, they claim, to protect the church.  They have closed their minds to some things the Scriptures have to say and rejected it.


We should examine our own hearts to see if there is conceit.  Do we have an over-rated sense of self-importance?  We think we are always right, or almost always?  It is like those who think with self-confessed humility, “I am more than willing to admit I am wrong, just that I am never wrong!”


Do we have a rigid perspective in our hearts and write off everything else or anybody who has a different view?  Without seriously attempting to understand their point of view?  If so, perhaps we are having some conceit in our own hearts.  What then is needed?


Humility is needed


Humility is the antidote to conceit.

Humility is the antidote to conceit.  Humility begins when we begin to realise that there is much we do not know nor understand.  Humility begins when we recognise we need God.  When we begin to humble ourselves, God begins to guide us. Psalms 25:9 (NIV) He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.


God will bless the humble.  James 4:6 (NIV) “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  Let us be humble and find the grace of God.




1 Tim 6:4b (NIV) “They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions…”


Chafing means to be abrasive.  These contentious people had an unhealthy interest in anything that stirs up contention.  They pick fights over small matters.  They are constantly causing friction with others.  Like sandpaper rubbing against everybody.  What is the Bible’s view? Proverbs 20:3 (NIV) It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.


Why does this happen?  Because they believe they are right. Contentious people refuse to accept different perspectives.  They go to great lengths to prove themselves right. Even if it means getting into an argument with others.  They are not that concerned whether it causes others to get upset, as long as they win their case. It is a really matter of, “If I feel good, that is good enough!”


Once in CSIRO, I was involved in a meeting where a number of scientists were discussing a certain project.  A certain scientist began to strongly put forth his view in a long-winded way.  And when anyone else tried to interject or interrupt, he simply raised his voice loudly and drowned the others out! No one could get a word in until he was finished! What low Emotional Quotient!


As God’s people we should not be abrasive, rubbing people the wrong way. It is important that we love people enough to desire to be sensitive to their feelings.  We may be right about something, but we should not step over people’s feelings to prove it!  Just because we are right does not make the means right! 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) “Love is patient, love is kind”. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) “Be kind and compassionate to one another...”


The more we mature in Christ, the more we mature spiritually, we should love others more.  Loving more means to become more kind.  Part of being be kind is to be sensitive to other’s needs.  To be aware when we may be rubbing people the wrong way.  It means developing our EQ at least to a reasonable level so we do not be abrasive.  In fact, we should learn to smooth things over.  Those who do so are called peace-makers.  Matthew 5:9 (NIV) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.


Peacemakers are valued by God because they bring peace, reconciliation, rather than disputes, quarrels and division. Why not seek to be a peace-maker?




1 Tim 6:5a (NIV) “... and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth...”

False teachers have been corrupted in their minds. They replace the real Truth with a shiny imitation they proclaim to be “truth” – which they peddle to others.


These false teachers have been corrupted in their minds.  They have been deceived.  Truth has been taken from them.  Because they lack truth, they make up their own truth.  They replace the real Truth with a shiny imitation they proclaim to be “truth” – which they peddle to others. They claim to have knowledge and wisdom.  Yet as stated in  James 3:15 (NIV) Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 


Their knowledge and wisdom has been distorted.  They have built up a huge storehouse of distorted information and perspectives.  The atheists have done that, surrounding themselves which distorted information so they can reinforce their stance.  They get caught in many idle notions and speculations. Colossians 2:18 (NIV) Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions. 


In the church in Colossae, there were false teachers who encouraged the worship of angels. Apparently, the archangel Michael was worshipped in Asia Minor even until AD 739. There are people who go into great details about the visions they saw or experienced. They get so caught up with such things which are but a minor aspect of the Christian faith. It could go something like this, “I saw an angel and his wings look like an eagle’s!  Perhaps eagles and angels are related.  Did you realise that both words have 5 letters, and they share almost all the same letters except for one?”


The Scriptures warn us that those who choose not to acknowledge God will eventually end up with a depraved or corrupt mind. Romans 1:28 (NIV) Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 


This happens because they lose all bearings to understanding Truth.  They just keep going around in circles.  If we want to find our bearings, we need to go to God.  Only God has the absolutes.  Only God has the Truth.  Only God can get us out of our confused state.  But we have to be humble to receive God’s truth.  Humility opens our hearts to learn. 


Anne Rice, was a famous author for vampires stories. She has sold over 100 million books making her one of the most widely read authors.  She wrote Vampire Chronicles which included Interview with a Vampire, Queen of the Damned which were made into movies. She had a Catholic upbringing but totally rejected it in her late teens and became an atheist.  In 1998, she turned around and returned to Catholicism.  She then wrote 2 novels about the life of Christ.


Let us keep our hearts open, so that we may learn more of God’s truth.




1 Tim 6:5b (NIV) “...and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.”

To the covetous teachers, godliness is a means to tap into the gullible religious desires of various followers. 


The false teachers also had an added interest to make financial gain from their version of godliness.  To them, godliness is not about becoming more like God in character.  For it is not their genuine intent.  To the covetous teachers, godliness is a means to tap into the gullible religious desires of various followers.  Like some yogi that teach their philosophy of life and the thereafter and made millions.  Their concern is for personal gain.  Whether it be a name for themselves or financial gain.  Like Balaam in 2 Peter 2:15 (NIV) They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness. 


Hence, they will fight furiously, they will contend furiously against anything that they perceive may reduce their personal gain. Thus, I am very cautious when I see a Christian leader make lots of money out of their ministry and keep it for themselves. God calls us to be sacrificial, to be giving for the cause of the Gospel.  When we give out of our hearts, we will receive due rewards in heaven.




Could we be conceited? So certain about our perspectives and readily rejecting other perspectives without honestly and seriously considering other viewpoints?


Could we be chafing others?  So strident in defense of our opinions, so aggressive in proving our views right that we ignore the feelings of others?


Could we possibly be corrupted? Could we possibly have been so focussed on our own version of truth that we have missed the real Truth?


Could we possibly be covetous? That we have allowed personal gain to muddy the waters of pursuing godliness?


Beware lest any of the above puts us on the path of being contemptibly contentious.


Copyright©️2024 by Wilson Lim. All rights reserved. Materials are free to be distributed in whole or part as long as proper acknowledgement is given to the author and not sold for profit.


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