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Transformational Leadership

Writer's picture: Mark Rusic Mark Rusic

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Creating a high-performance workforce or team is increasingly important in today’s world of uncertainty, turbulence and rapid change. Leaders are challenged to raise staff the go beyond doing their duty per se. I believe transformational leaders can instinctively achieve this.

Transformational leaders are those who:

  • Have a compelling vision and dream that readily inspires, with a distinct magnetism.

  • Share quality insights in the vision they plainly embody, compels a following.

  • Readily engage and empower mentees to find themselves and their vision, utilise their unique talents and share their ideas.

  • Foster quality, connected, relationships of deep mutual trust with others as partners.

  • Bring an atmosphere of powerful testimonies fuelling radical enthusiasm & optimism.

Who can become such a transformational leader

By default those that feel transformed establish transformative culture. It’s your own transformation that pulsates in you, that you role model, that moves people.

By default those that feel transformed establish transformative culture. It’s your own transformation that pulsates in you, that you role model, that moves people. Spirit or heart is foundational to this, not just great attitudes or skills which are essential. Leonardo da Vinci said, “Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.”

God’s word feeds the UPGRADE in spirit to release the transformational-leader in us. (See Isaiah chapter 55, verses 4-13.):

Upgrade your belief about yourself

Firstly, do you see yourself as a leader or influencer? Isaiah chapter 55 verses 4 & 5 says, “see I have made him(Messiah) a witness to the peoples, a ruler a commander….” In Christ you have that seed of a transformational leader & influencer like King David. People will come running. David helped the miserable to become mighty. Believe and confess this despite how you may feel.

Upgrade by seeking a difference within to make a difference

Seek God, he’s waiting for you. Seeking Him about what’s going on inside makes a difference inside. Jacob was troubled and sought God and wrestled with Him. He knew God was the source of his destiny. God made a difference in Him calling him Israel from then on. “Seek the Lord while he may be found.”

Upgrade today, not tomorrow

We procrastinate to seek him. Nothing changes. Spiritual thirst, like physical thirst should lead us to take immediate action. The world needs you now, not in twenty years’ time. Verse 6 “call ye upon him while he is near:” Our Father in heaven likes having you near to Him. Draw near so Holy Spirit can make you a thirst-quencher for others. People will come running as you do television with substance, visual arts with rare beauty, sports as an iconic role model, wealthy creation that kills poverty, health care with potent relief and healing capability, and the list goes on to every field of endeavour.

Upgrade your seating

“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord..” In other words God is implying we are better than that lowly sinful state! Rid yourself of ways contrary to his, by returning to his right ways. Avoid the worst seat.

We must get serious to maintain God’s presence in our lives, ridding whatever it takes.

We must get serious to maintain God’s presence in our lives, ridding whatever it takes. Moses knew this. He knew only God’s presence could distinguish people before nations, in Exodus Chapter 33. God elevated him to get his best seat; as His judge and ruler.

Upgrade your value of His Mercy

Don’t get stuck in blame or you’ll stay the same.

“…and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

Turn and repent, because you expect blessings, not bashings! Healing comes through receiving divine pardon. Saying sorry will remove the worry. The disappointments, repeat-failings and past guilt and shame to bring will find closure. Receiving abundant pardon catapults you forward in His abundant love! Don’t get stuck in blame or you’ll stay the same. Slaves have no liberty. You are a son.

Upgrade to higher thinking

His superior thinking leads to superior results and character. Get your seed of your vision in His word.

Value his ideas and ways over your own wisdom. “8 … as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”….my word be that goeth forth… it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please….” His superior thinking leads to superior results and character. Get your seed of your vision in His word. The Spirit makes it grow.

Upgrade to joy and peace

Repentance means realigning your heart and your business to his ways. Zacchaeus in the bible did both. Jesus upgraded him from his feeling of smallness to tallness, from insecurity to unspeakable joy and peace in God. “12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace…”

Transformed to transform

God’s goal is to transform thorny places of our hearts into lush and flourishing places.

13 Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree …and it shall be to the Lord for a name…” God’s goal is to transform thorny places of our hearts into lush and flourishing places. It happens as we turn to him and forsake our old ways. We honour Him for the liberty he gives in Christ. This is the most true foundation to effect life-giving transformation.

Transformational leaders are Christ’s salt and light to the market place. The picture attached is of my oil painting which was accepted into the prestigious Camberwell Art show in Melbourne. I call it MCG beauty. I see the MCG reflecting the beauty of God’s holiness.

Friends, unprecedented times call for unprecedented leaders to arise. I invite you all to the upcoming, Hope churches “Mountain Mover” conference at the ‘LaunchPad’ in Richmond, Melbourne, Australia on August 23(PM) -24(AM), 2019. More details forthcoming. All welcome. Jesus spoke of our faith moving mountains…” Come and get launched into your destiny!

(First published by Mark Rusic in Christian Today Australia)


Copyright©️2023 by Mark Rusic. All rights reserved. Materials are free to be distributed in whole or part as long as proper acknowledgment is given to the author and not sold for profit.


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