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W&L Gold Brush (Light)


Wilson Lim

3 May 2023

Jack Hayford

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When the glory of God is in a church, it will cause the church to become influential because of its impact.

Jack Hayford during the early days of his church “Church on the Way” was a small congregation of 100. One day in 1971 as he was leaving the church sanctuary, he experienced the glory of God. It was as if a light glorious mist hung in the atmosphere and it was just for a moment. Things began to happen to the church and people just started coming! The church grew to over 10,000 people over the decades of his ministry.

When God’s glory fills the church and as the church obediently moves in God’s purposes, there will be healing in lives, there will be nourishment for the soul, there will be power to cast out demons, power to heal the sick. There will be righteousness and purity. There will be godliness.

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