Wilson Lim
18 January 2024
Perfect Timing
When we say, "God does not answer my prayers" - God says He will answer them. When the time is exactly right. And that time will be soon even if it seems like a long delay. (William Backus)
In our journey of faith, it is essential that we cultivate patience as we wait before the Lord. Instead of rushing ahead, we should trust that He always has our best interests at heart. The Lord, in His infinite wisdom and love, knows the perfect timing and the perfect plan for our lives. Though we may be eager or tempted to forge our own path, it is in patiently waiting upon the Lord that we discover His divine guidance and blessings.
When we exercise patience, we acknowledge our dependence on God and surrender our desires to His will. We recognize that His timing is impeccable, and His ways surpass our limited understanding. As we wait before Him, we cultivate a posture of humility and trust, knowing that He is working all things together for our good.