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W&L Gold Brush (Light)


Wilson Lim

6 September 2023

Trust and doubts towards God?

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I was pondering about this matter recently. There are times we have prayed and sought God's heart about certain situations and the outcomes were not what we may have expected. What would be our raw emotions towards God? Some may say, "God , did you hear me when I called out to you?". Do we allow doubts to entertain our minds when we have not received answers to our prayers? Do we toss between trust and doubt towards God?

I am personally convicted that God's ways are much higher than our own human perspective. In the light of prayer, I am convicted to look to Papa God whom I believe is trustworthy and steadfast towards us despite how the circumstances may look like even after much prayer. By God's grace, may we remain firm as it says in the good old Book of all ages; the Bible in Isaiah 26:3-4, " You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is Rock Eternal."

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